RespectNET Matrix of Competencies
1. I am critically aware of societal roles, including my professional position, privilege, and perspective.
Democracy competence
2. I apply general analytical and critical thinking skills when evaluating information in a democratic setting.
3. I have effective skills in resolving conflicts within democratic contexts.
4. I actively engage in activities that contribute to civic-mindedness and the promotion of democracy.
5. I possess adequate awareness and knowledge about Human Rights and Democracy Basics.
6. I am competent in effectively interfering in social media to debunk and counter misinformation.
Media competence
7. I know and understand how political messages, propaganda, and hate speech are produced and can be identified.
8. I know the specifics of social media dynamics, including algorithms for "hyping" news and phenomena like "echo chambers."
9. I know how classical and social media select, interpret, and edit information.
10. I can assess and communicate how to assess the quality of information and identify misinformation.
11. I understand and can identify mechanisms of anti-scientific narratives and conspiracy theories.
Science Communication competence
12. I am agile in reacting to societal demand for information and expertise.
Science communication competence
13. I conduct target group analysis to tailor my communication to specific audiences.
14. I possess a mastery of journalistic principles in communicating scientific information.
15. I am passionate about sharing relevant and useful knowledge, experience, and expertise.
16. I can adopt a polite and respectful communication style and ask for feedback anytime.
Ethical behavior on social media
17. I can recognise social media and online users that have the purpose of spreading anti-democratic views, hate speech, fraudulent content, or deliberate misinformation and know how to act to block them.
18. I can be an influencer or a moderator of a network/group that inspires others to ethical behavior on social media.
19. I can preserve my safety and responsible behavior on social media networks.
20. I know and apply the three main principles of social media ethics and etiquette: authenticity, transparency, and respectful communication, honestly and openly.
Ethical bemhavior on social edia
21. I keep others informed about relevant or useful information when working as a group member.
Analytical and critical thinking competence
22. I generate enthusiasm among group members for accomplishing shared goals.
23. I build positive relationships with other people in a group.
24. I can assess the risks associated with different options.
25. I use evidence to support my opinions.
26. I can support other people despite differences in points of view.
Cooperation and collaboration competence
27. I accurately identify the feelings of others, even when they do not want to show them.
28. I express commitment to not being a bystander when the dignity and rights of others are violated.
29. I collaborate with other people for common-interest causes.
30. I express a willingness to cooperate and work with others.
31. I regularly initiate communication to help solve interpersonal conflicts.
Communication competence in conflict resolution
32. I can encourage parties involved in conflicts to actively listen to each other and share their issues and concerns.
33. I can assist others in resolving disputes by improving their understanding of the available options.
34. I can identify options for resolving conflicts.
35. I can communicate with conflicting parties respectfully.
Accessibility Tools