Questionnaire on Open Communication Skills
Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Your responses will be used to assess your open communication skills.
This questionnaire is just a starting point for assessing open communication skills. It is important to consider other factors, such as the individual's personality, communication style, and cultural background, when making an assessment.
1 / 10
I am committed to building and maintaining positive relationships with others.
2 / 10
I can communicate effectively in various situations, such as one-on-one conversations, group meetings, and presentations.
3 / 10
I can communicate difficult topics clearly and respectfully.
4 / 10
I can give and receive compliments.
5 / 10
I am comfortable asking for help and support when needed.
6 / 10
I can resolve conflict respectfully and productively.
7 / 10
I can communicate my needs and wants clearly and directly.
8 / 10
I am willing to give and receive feedback constructively.
9 / 10
I can listen to and understand different perspectives, even if I disagree.
10 / 10
I am comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings with others, even if they differ.
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